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The below content was originally created for virtual learning purposes during the pandemic lockdown. It includes PDFs and audio only options. If you are interested in more class replays, check out Molly's Online Classes YouTube channel for a larger collection of movement based videos.
Yoga gentle flow
00:00 / 30:28
tiny dance: balance challenge
song suggestion:
'let me be brave'
by Beautiful Chorus
Tiny dance
00:00 / 07:33
self care routine for sleep
song suggestion:
by Deuter
self care routine for sleep
00:00 / 11:20
reclined movement patterns and stretching
song suggestion:
by Moby
Reclined movement patterns and stretching
00:00 / 13:56
seated movement patterns and stretching
song suggestion:
by Marconi Union
seated movement patterns and stretching
00:00 / 10:07
Floor to feet barre: tendu focus
00:00 / 17:38
floor to feet barre: tendu focused
song suggestion:
'untitled #3'
by Sigur Rós
Floor Barre Pilates
00:00 / 48:16
power flow
00:00 / 56:59
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